An astounding spin-off of the popular Top Chef -- because pastry chefs are a wacky bunch, to say the least -- last night's season finale of Top Chef: Just Desserts was extra sweet after Yigit Pura, of Taste Catering in S.F., won the whole shebang. It was a welcome surprise for those of us who assumed Morgan, Pura's equally-attractive, heterosexual archrival, would take home the top prize.

Want to gnaw on some of Pura's goods? Grub Street notes: "For those in S.F., you can taste some of Yigit's pastry masterwork this week: Yigit will be baking pies for Gilt City's Give Pie drive, with proceeds going to benefit families in need."

If you missed last night's episode, you can watch it below. (Another S.F. bonus: Masterchef Elizabeth Falkner makes an impressive cameo appearance.)