Last night's Game 1 open thread rocked. Thanks to those of you who participated. Many crucial points were discussed. KatyG brought up the possibility that Lincecum is the love child of Iggy Pop and Joey Ramone, Alex Clemens chatted about his downtown bash, hillarys_quivering_lip noted that SoMa was overbooked, ejcsanfran was unusually excited, and your editor discussed spending the evening in Glen Park.

A good time was had by all.

If you haven't commented on SFist before, here's how: Register for an account or use your Facebook ID. Rules? Be nice-ish, stay as on-topic as you possibly can (i.e., leave the election out sand your belly lint of it), and throw much love the Giants' way throughout the night. Because they'll give it back in spades.

Game starts at 4:30.