Scheduling male-on-male sex dates using Craigslist, Grindr, or any number of social media outlets devoted to penetration, some might argue, is a tad impersonal. Downright rude sometimes. Instead, why not visit one of the many fine sex clubs still left in the Bay Area? Matt Baume has compiled a convenient breakdown of said clubs for Bar Tab SF. A few noteworthy places to explore? Baume suggests the Tearoom Theater ("old-timey charm"), Nob Hill Theater ("engaging entertainers like Adrian, Isaic, Max, and Tiger"), Folsom Gulch ("better-than-average chance of meeting men who go home to wives"), Blow Buddies (they have something called "Whiz World," which isn't a night dedicated to a processed cheese spread), SF Citadel ("disruptively loud whip-cracks are frowned upon"), and more. Check it out.
Psst, remember to take all your belongings back home with you; otherwise, they could end up in print!