• Two Jack’s: The best restaurant you’ve probably never been to. Yet. [Haighteration]
  • "[T]he distinction between the brand 'iPhone' and the object 'phone' is basically nil, and from here on out these words will be used interchangeably." [SF Appeal]
  • What tech buzzwords make you confused and/or want to rip out your eyelashes? [Bronstein]
  • Taking photos at Zeitgeist, which is frowned upon by weirdos, is a good thing. [Lurking & Skating, via MM]
  • Mission bros writing about Marina bros, a semi-homoerotic love story. [Uptown Almanac]
  • Link-whoring leads perilously close to doing the news. [Tenderloin Geographical Society]
  • Transbay Terminal wasn't always a vile cesspool. No, really. [Curbed]