Did you run in Sunday's S.F. Marathon? How did you do? If you were 25-year-old Keith Bechtol, a graduate student in astrophysics at Stanford and first-time marathon runner, you did great. Bechtol finished the race in a record 2 hours, 23 minutes and 28 seconds, placing first. Yes, after entering his very first marathon, he won. Pretty amazing, eh?

In addition to being a ginger, Bechtol likes to eat his breakfast cereal in a unique way. According to his Facebook fan page, notes: "When eating Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries, Keith always eats the crunchberries last. He then proceeds to eat the crunchberries from longest color wavelength to shortest. He is truly a man among men."

The first woman to cross the finish line was Emily Hardin, 24, of Madison, Alabama. Hardin ran the course in just 2 hours, 51 minutes and 54 seconds.