It's going to be a gorgeous sunny day on Saturday, so there's no better time head down to the Metreon Yerba Buena Gardens for an afternoon Gallery Walk. More than a dozen galleries South of Market will greet you with mint juleps open arms, big smiles and all kinds of interesting art on their walls. Maps are available at any of the galleries and there will be an open reception at 6pm at 12 Gallagher Lane.

Participating Galleries:
111 Minna
12 Gallagher Lane
871 Fine Arts
The Artists Alley
Baer Ridgway Exhibitions
Catharine Clark Gallery
Chandler Fine Art
Crown Point Press
Fivepoints Arthouse
RayKo Photo Center
SF Camerawork
UC Berkeley Extension
Visual Aid

Saturday, June 12, 1-6pm
South of Market, between Market and Harrison, and 2nd and 5th Streets