Following Out Magazine's 'Power 50' list, which failed to mention a single popular powerful San Francisco-based homosexual, The Advocate (the bookish bottom to Out's circuit party top) also came out with their annual 'Forty Under 40' issue this week. And, yet again, much to our dismay, no one on said list resides in Baghdad by the Bay.

A few gays landing on this allegedly esteemed list: political strategist Chad Griffin; International Ms. Leather 2009 Lamalani; that loud trainer from The Biggest Loser who hawks questionable weight-loss remedies on daytime TV, Jillian Michaels; Scissor Sisters' Jake Shears; and a gaggle of fresh-faced boys Advocate EIC Jon Barrett clearly wants to fuck.

The closest San Francisco came to making the list was by way of Shannon Wentworth (CEO/founder of eco-friendly lesbian travel company Sweet) of Oakland.