This contributor recently had a baby, who is now two and a half months old. It's been quite a fun journey exploring the city with such a wee one. (We highly recommend the Ergo Carrier for such journeys. Strollers are a pain.)

We figured we'd try to do a regular column dedicated to parents and kids, 'cuz there are some parents out there, right? And if you have any anecdotes or know of kid-oriented events, send them our way!

We're heading to the main library this afternoon for the weekly Baby Rhyme Time. We'll tell you how it is!

The following Craigslist ad is an opposite example of the parent we aspire to be.

Monterey Parents Looking for a New Parent Live-In Nanny

Apparently these parents in Monterey have already gone through all the nannies down south, since they're now advertising for a live-in nanny up here in San Francisco. While their offer of $1500 a month pay, along with covering the nanny's rent and all living expenses, sounds like a great deal, this nanny would have to work 14 hours a day, seven days a week. (They're willing to discuss days off though.) To quote the father, who wrote the post, "the position includes basically becoming his [the kid's] parent." Um, why did they have a kid in the first place? Poor little guy.