While we wait for Gavin Newsom to make the official announcement that he plans on running for California Lt. Governor -- Melissa Griffin, if you recall, broke the story that Newsom might make his candidacy public today -- let's take a moment to ponder who San Francisco's next mayor might be. (If Newsom wins the awesomely lax gig of Lt. Governor, that means the Board of Supervisors gets to pick the next Mayor.)

So, we've got two polls that need your sparklingly wonky input: Who you think our next will be Mayor and who you want as our next Mayor. (All of this, of course, hinges on Gavin making the announcement, then winning the election -- which, actually, is quite possible -- but there's no harm in thinking about what might happen, right? Right.) Choose wisely

Update: Newsom says he's not announcing anything just right now.