COCKTAIL PARTY: Wow, we're intrigued. Bold Italic presents 1939. Tog to the Bricks!, a decadent cocktail party from the 1930s, celebrating the opening of the World's Fair. The organizers promise "a raucous good time while the gin and absinthe flow, photographers roam, the piano keys are plunked." Cocktails and food by St. George Spirits, Distillery No. 209, Aidells, Cheese Plus and Pacific Puffs are all included in the cover charge. Attire is 1930s inspired, of course, and the best dressed will get gift certificates to Decades of Fashion and tickets to Long Now's Rick Prelinger Lost Landscapes screening.
8 p.m. // Le Club (1250 Jones St) // $30 (includes food and beverage), 21+
SCIENCE: UC Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science invites you to take the Geek Challenge. Find out what it takes to survive on Mars with Dr. Adrian Brown from the SETI Institute and NASA Ames Research Center and Matt Fillingim from the Space Science Laboratory, who will provide some tips as well as a briefing about what conditions are like on Mars and the challenges faced by astronauts who travel there. Attendees will also get full access to the exhibits, cash bar, and hors d’oeuvres, along with the best view in the East Bay. There will be a free BART shuttle from Downtown Berkeley BART. Adults only!
7 to 10 p.m. // Lawrence Hall of Science (Centennial Drive, Berkeley) // $8-10