Today's guest blogger? The decadent, divine Daisy Barringer of Oopsie Daisy, A Dollop of Daisy, and Please Don't Eat the Daisies. Most recently, she came this close to fisticuffs while waiting in line for the bathroom at a professional football game.

Take the stage, Daisy.

  • Tonight on “To Catch a Predator…” When he’s not getting all pervy on his neighbors, Allan of Mission Mission is doing other super important stuff. Like, um, playing ping pong. [Allan Hough on Twitter]
  • Finally, someone’s got the right idea about what needs to go down at Burning Man. [SFGate]

  • There are a lot of reasons parenthood seems like it sucks; this book is just one of them. [We Can’t Have Nice Things]

  • Betcha the software mogul who was gored by an elephant wishes that the mosquito that changed herself into a magician and then turned all of the elephants into giant rocks had been on his safari. And yeah, you need to read the entire post I linked to above in order to get that crappy joke. I’m cruel like that. [SFGate]

  • Forget the freezing cold water, the crowded waves, or the ominous Great White Shark population… SF surfers are more concerned about how surfing today “just doesn’t FEEL right.” [PostSurf]

  • Speaking of sharks… There was a sighting at Linda Mar last night. [stoke report]

  • And because I think 6 posts with a “things that might kill or severely harm you” theme isn’t enough… Finally, you won’t have to wonder if headline writers are talking about stalk-and-ambush animal... or your mom. [San Francisco Citizen]

  • Drew gets in touch with his inner manorexia. Which, as his friend and #1 fan, I have to say isn’t the worst idea he’s ever had. (Love you, Drew. Mean it. Now go eat another Hot Pocket.) [Rocket Shoes]

  • If you’re reading this, it means you’re too cool for Burning Man, and for that, I applaud you and kind of want to give you a hug. Except I don’t like touching, so instead, I’ll just point you to this list of “last-minute Labor Day schemes.” [7x7]

  • Mostly, I want to know what you’re still doing reading this when you could be chugging cheep booze in Lower Pac Heights… The pub crawl started at 5. Get on it people! [Only in San Francisco]