A Washington D.C. group called Cancer Project has filed a lawsuit in Superior Court today in Newark, New Jersey. On behalf of three cancer-ridden residents, the lawsuit claims that hot dog manufacturers need to use warning labels on their meat products, telling buyers that their products cause cancer. Also, before you persnickety sustainable wurst makers in the Bay Area fire off angry emails, the lawsuit is aimed at Kraft Foods Inc., manufacturer of the Oscar Mayer brand; Sara Lee Corp.; Nathan's Famous; and the makers of the Hebrew National and Sabrett brands -- you know, big guys only. According to Associated Press, "the lawsuit cites a report by the American Institute for Cancer Research that concluded regular consumption of processed meat can increase the risk of colorectal and other forms of cancer."

In related news, Da Beef, a SOMA based hot dog vendor selling Chicago-style hot dogs/polish/italians at 7th & Folsom, are taking a dollar off all dogs today. Be sure to check them out. They're fantastic.

For a list of healthy, organic hot dog makers in San Francisco, go here.