MS-13 sorority sisters Danilo Velasquez,, 28, and Luis Herrera, 18, were arrested yesterday in connection with the shooting death of Moises Frias Jr., a Daly City college student. It seems the two members of the notorious (and notoriously dimwitted) MS-13 gang mistook Frias for a rival gang member. Why? Because he was "wearing the wrong-colored baseball cap and sweater."

According to , "the three mistakenly believed that they were attacking members of a rival gang when they opened fire the evening of Feb. 19 on a car carrying Frias and three friends, said Daly City police Lt. Jay Morena."

But wait, it gets worse. "The four men had been listening to loud rap music before the assailants opened fire." Also, one of "Frias' friends wore a white San Francisco 49ers baseball cap with red on it, and another had on a red sweater," the Chron reports. "The suspects apparently believed the men were members of the rival Norteño gang, which claims the color red."

While these MS-13 (a spin off the Sureños) gang members are undeniably sexy, they could stand to think things through before going forward with mischief. It's just good business sense.

But what say you? Which murdering / raping Mission gang is your favorite? Take our poll after the jump to find out.

SF Chronicle