We know it's, like, not cool around these parts to admit one's love of over-processed, non-organic, industrially farmed fast food. And maybe it's just that we haven't had breakfast yet, but we couldn't help but notice that all of the foods chosen by Chron editor and "Poop" columnist Peter Hartlaub in his roundup of fast foods he finds "vile" look sort of delicious to us right now. McDonald's McGriddle sandwich? Who doesn't like the combination of sausage with a pancake with syrup? Those KFC bowls? Delicious hangover food if you ask us. And while Domino's is hardly the best pizza or the most politically conscious food choice for liberals, that bacon cheeseburger pizza would also hit the spot. We admit we have not tried the Taco Bell Volcano Taco (pictured), but it, too, might entice us after a long day of driving down I-5. We're really sorry if this offends your sensibilities. And all this on a day when Mayor Newsom issued an executive order for sustainable food practices citywide!

Cue the firing squad.