Photo by Albert Huynh on Flickr
We admit that headline may be a little sensational... but Steven T. Jones, writing one of several inter-related pieces on the politics of parking in this week's SFBG, argues that the city is only now starting to put its money where its mouth is with regard to the "transit first" policy adopted decades ago. In short, the SFMTA is rolling out a new pilot program in the fall called SF Park which will take 6,000 parking spaces -- both on-street and in lots -- and monitor their use in order to adjust pricing based on scarcity and demand. The idea is to discourage driving into the most popular parts of town where, allegedly, adequate transit should exist to get you there -- this in an era of Muni service cuts.
We're all for discouraging the use of cars, but only if transit services *increases*. There are already wide swaths of this town we don't go to much because we can't bear to spend over an hour waiting for and riding a bus to get there.