Sad news. The Tenderloin Y will officially shut its doors today, just short of its 100-year anniversary. "The eight-story, 150,000-square-foot building at the corner of Leavenworth Street and Golden Gate Avenue," which "opened in 1910 to replace San Francisco’s original YMCA center, which was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake," according to the Examiner, was purchased by the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp. a couple of years ago for $12.2 million. The goes on to say, "The Department of Public Health and the Mayor’s Office of Housing are providing funds to turn the building into affordable housing units for homeless and low-income residents." Another YMCA will, hopefully, "open nearby in about two years."

Really, this is sad news. IWe learned how to play racquetball at this very gym.

Any Tenderloin Y members care to share their stories? Let us know in the comments.
