DANCE: It's the fourth day of the Bay Area National Dance Week, which runs through May 3. Learn various styles of dance, such as Hoop Fire Dancing at Temple of Poi (7:05 to 7:50 p.m., free), Latin Dance Grooves at Mission Cultural Center (6 to 7:15 p.m., $10), or Greek Dancing with Greek Feet at Presidio Dance Academy (7:30 to 9:30 p.m., $10).
Bay Area National Dance Week // various times, locations, prices
FILM: Joseph Campbell’s Final Lectures features a screening of five of Joseph Campbell's last teachings (Mythos 1: The Shaping of Our Mythic Tradition), in which he compiled all he had learned about "the one great story" of humanity. Robert Walter, long-time Campbell colleague and president of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, hosts the screenings and discussions afterwards.
7 p.m. // Interfaith Center at the Presidio (Main Post Chapel, Bldg 130, Fisher Loop, Presidio) // $20 suggested donation, no one turned away
MUSIC: DJ Tragic and the Duchess of Hazard spin gritty punk, while grainy skate and rock movies are projected on the Hemlock Tavern's walls at the Punk Rock Slideshow, every Monday night.
10 p.m. // Hemlock Tavern (1131 Polk St.) // free