Perfect for your next Burning Man art car or, well, your next Burning Man art car, the big red tomato that used to siren in customers at the now-closed Vino e Cucina is up for sale. According to the Craigslist ad: "After serving for 18 years as a SOMA landmark for San Franciscans, the giant tomato is available for sale. It is huge and ready to be hung or displayed by the buyer. It is hollow metal and in great condition. Original cost was $5,000. Asking price: $1,500. The tomato is still hanging at 489 Third Street, San Francisco (cross street Bryant). Please call 415-722-9229 if you have any questions or would like to purchase the 'Big Tomato.'" To check out the massive tomato, go to the chronically empty lot at Bryant and Third Street to see it in all its plump, red glory.