BEER/LIT: Beer blogger Brian Yaeger of reads from his new latest effort about a cross-country brewery tour; Red, White and Brew, followed by a free beer tasting. Mmm.

7:30 p.m. // Booksmith (1644 Haight Street) // free

FILM: Check out Generations: Youth & Elders Making Movies Together. What is it? It's a bunch of short films made by queer youth and elders, which includes All That Jazz (the story of two urban lesbians, not about a dying Bob Fosse-ish character and a fabulous Ann Reinking), Changeling (about a lesbian feminist "reviewing the phases of a life journey," not about Angelia Jolie screaming about wanting her son back), Can She Throw Like a Girl (about lesbians love of softball), and more. Read more about it here.

7:30 p.m. // The Center (1800 Market) // free

MUSIC: Punk laptop artist/musician MC Lars performs at a used CD store. Enjoy.

6 p.m. // Amoeba Music (1855 Haight) // free