With this week's slew of court filings, the post-Prop-8 fight for civil equality is still hot hot hot. And even though some of the 15-minutes-of-fame organizers may be losing focus, the pros aren't waiting for another election to reach out to voters.

Check out GetToKnowUsFirst.com (disclosure: it's run by a friend of a friend of SFist). They're putting together some attractive ready-for-television PSAs about the California families who deserve the rights and responsibilities of marriage -- including the 1,138 that they're currently denied.

They've worked out a smart media strategy for getting the ads into areas that need them most: counties that voted yes on Prop 8. GTKUF needs to raise funds to get the ads on TV -- and they need the funds right now. You can donate via Google Checkout, and your donation is tax-deductible. This one is a smart, worthy cause -- if you were wondering which post-Prop-8 groups deserve your financial support, look no further.

More disclosure: SFist_Matt is the creator of Stop8.org, a site that monitors civil-equality news, events, and organizations.