This is what happens when a religion is nice -- you know, instead of spending millions of dollars to take peoples' rights away. After prop 8, there's been a lot of hostility to religious people in general -- deservedly so, in some cases. But this is a pleasant reminder that some religious folks aren't the enemies of freedom; in fact, some religious folks are actually awesome.

No, really.

Anyway, Advent Conspiracy -- who asks, What if Christmas became a world-changing event again? -- seems like a super idea. Especially in the allegedly anti-materialistic San Francisco. AC has a map of participants, and there's a conspicuous lack of Bay Area churches participating. Embarrassing. It's a worthy cause, and it would be a shame if there were no San Franciscans of faith participating.

Also, while "it begins with worship" is a cute tag line, it isn't true that you need to be religious to be charitable. Some might see the above footage and think, "Oh, it's just for Christians, not Jews/Athiests/whatevers like me." Not so. We could see loads of people getting on board with Advent Conspiracy. Hopefully, anyway.

That said, SFist will also have a last-minute gift guide ready to go later today. So... yeah.