Yeah. This is a day late. Digesting solid food was a fresh and exciting experience for us, so most of our Thanksgiving was busy doing that. Anyway.

This year we weren't sure for what to be most thankful. The choices were aplenty: mentally-challenged PR people? The chronic stupidity of certain Chronicle editors who angrily "demand" SFist reveal their sources? Civic leaders turning into Norma Desmond before our eyes. Baskets of fried pickles? Clemency reports?

All of those moments were golden.

But what we've been most appreciative of this year? SFist commenters.

No, really.

Your comments have done an awe-inspiring job of showing just how readers add to a story's richness. Many of you have typed out more intelligent, more thoughtful, more fiery, and more humorous supplements than the actual posts.

You guys -- oh my God, no wait, seriously -- rock the site. Most of you don't use the threads to pimp your sites. You (try to) keep name-calling, death threats, and racial slurs to a minimum. You represent different views on the political and social spectrum. You don't bullshit readers with incestuous oh-my-what-an-informative-post comments like other sites. In fact, most of you fucking loathe us. (Speaking of which, to the scant handful of you we had to ban this year: that was just icing on the schadenfreude cake.)

Thanks a whole bunch. And on that note: flame away.