EveryBlock a site that gathers info going on in your block, just launched an hour or so ago one of the niftiest features we've seen in awhile. The now publish every call made to police dispatchers in San Francisco, which they updated daily.

Some of the titillating stuff includes calls on abandoned vehicles, political demonstrations and drunk assholes.

But wait, that's not all. They also include more serious, Law & Order-ish criminal mischief like homicide, sexual assaults (3 calls in the 94107 yesterday!) and gunfire. It's almost as addictive as Clemecy reports for people on Death Row.

The info comes to EveryBlock directly from the San Francisco Police Department. To check out a comprehensive list of the offenses people are calling about in your neck of the woods in SF. go here.

So now, in addition to block parties, recent restaurant inspections, real estate listings and lost & found postings, EveryBlock will keep you up at night poring over who in your hood is calling the fuzz.