Over on the Apple discussion boards, things are taking a turn for the soap operatic. See, user "Susan042764" poses a worrisome (albeit gullible) question on the "Using iPhone,Camera and Photos" forum: can pictures automatically attach to e-mails in your iPhone?

Please help! I took my husband's i-phone and found a raunchy picture of him attached to an e-mail to a woman in his sent e-mail file (a Yahoo account). When I approached him about this (I think that he is cheating on me) he admitted that he took the picture but says that he never sent it to anyone. He claims that he went to the Genius Bar at the local Apple store and they told him that it is an i-phone glitch: that photos sometimes automatically attach themselves to an e-mail address and appear in the sent folder, even though no e-mail was ever sent. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? The future of my marriage depends on this answer!

As one commenter points out, we think your marriage has a glitch, Susan042764. You poor dear.

When pressed about the nature of the said attached image in question, Susan042764 responds, "Well, if you must know ... it was a close-up shot of him pleasuring himself taken at the exact moment of maximum pleasure. (I'm trying to remain G-rated here.) It's such a good shot that one must wonder if he actually practiced it a few times before getting it right!"

Well, Joey Grecos of the internet, what do you think? Has your iPhone attached pics to emails without your consent? Or should Mrs. 042764 find a good attorney?