Litquake -- San Francisco's annual ode to print writing, serious novelists, and other assorted literary notables from the Bay Area -- kicks off their 2008 festival tomorrow night. To start the celebration, the formidable Beth Lisick and Arline Klatte will put on a very special episode of Porchlight: a Storytelling Series titled "Suckered: Writers Confess a Profound Lack of Judgment," wherein a sundry of scribes get up in front of an audience to prattle on about their own personal humiliations, lack of common sense, and moments of desperation.

That is to say, it'll be like an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with booze.

The evening's guest writers fessing up to their epic fails are Jonathan Ames, Cintra Wilson (Salon-ish culture critic), Neal Pollack ("satirist"), Will Durst (local comedian), Robert Mailer Anderson (extraordinarily hot member of SF's incestuous high society), April Sinclair (not related to Upton Sinclair), Adam Savage (co-host of /former Charmin TV commercial thespian), and actual celebrity Amber Tamblyn (Sisterhood/Pants).

And the best part? One of you fine folks can win a free pair of tickets -- fancy VIP tickets, complete with free food, open bar access, and face time with the above authors. Yay, you! All you have to do is the following: in the comments please tell us your favorite Work of Our Time, Classic American Novel, Award-Winning Tome, or Book You Keep Prominently On Your Nightstand For All To See followed by one -- just one! -- sentence describing said novel. An SFist panel of literary experts will then review the thread, awarding the person who makes us shoot kombucha tea through our nose with a pair of VIP tickets to the show. (You have until 6 p.m. tonight.)

For those of you who don't win, but still want to go, info on Litquake's opening-night bash is right after the jump.
