Internet drama of the hair-pulling, eye-scratching, and feline variety is always high quality entertainment. And today Yelp has it in spades.

It seems some sort of Coyote Ugly-vs.-patrons fight went down over at the wonderful drinking establishment House of Shields last night. A gaggle of drinkers - celebrating a colleague's wedding plans no less! - were put off by a crusty female bartender. Her crimes? She allegedly had the unmitigated gall to ignore the female patrons (welcome to a man's world, ladies), curse/spray water at bar patrons, and throw shattered glass at people.

We're so going there tonight.

Anyway, some Yelpers, who fell victim to the brutal bartender's barrage, are saddened and surprised. Here is just a sample of what went down:

- Lucy C.: "...slow service + discrimination against women customers + cursing at the customers + spraying water at the customers + throwing a glass????? really??? i'm SHOCKED"

- Melissa C.: "When I was about to order another round of drinks for the 10 or so of us, 15 minutes after standing at the bar, and waving down the bartender, she finally made eye contact with me and said in a very rude tone that it would take a bit to help me. She then proceeded to serve a gentleman who had just walked in, then another guy at the bar. So as she walked by again I said "let me just close out me tab." When she handed me the check, I told her she should know we wouldn't probably spend double our tab (which was already $200 when I closed it out), to which she gave me a thumbs-up and muttered "bitch" under her breath. As I walked away, she tried to spray me with soda, although her terrible aim missed me, but my colleagues weren't as fortunate when she THREW A GLASS THAT SHATTERED ON US."