While our delicate/oppressive first-world sensibilities prevent us from recommending any, ahem, other-world countries in which to spend your hard-earned vacation dollars. (PS, Monaco was dreadful last summer. Thumbs down, ugly Americans), Berkeley-based Ethical Traveler has the scoop on the top-ten "ethical destinations" for all of you teevas-sporting vacationers looking to take late summer vacations. In alphabetical order, they are: Argentina, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Estonia, Namibia, Nicaragua, and South Africa.

We've heard of Argentina.

And maybe South Africa. (Can you do bodyshots in South Africa? Because it's not really a vacation without tequila and lime.)

Anyway, Ethical Traveler - whose goal is to focus on "the positive impact travelers can have by being open, informed, and willing to immerse themselves in other cultures" - looked at three factors in determining their results: environmental protection, social welfare, and human rights in the world's developing nations. What's more, they can help you lose the ugly-American moniker as well. Check them out before you plan your next vacation. (Daily Clog)

Image of some sort of developing nation: Wikicommons