SFist intercepted this email sent out today by SFPD Park Station Captain Teri Barrett. Teri, it seems, has an estranged relationship with the merriment for which San Francisco is/used to be famous. Leisure World we are not. Check it:

Teresa Barrett/SFPD/SFGO
[Date:] 05/20/08
[Time:] 11:21
Subject: Bay to Breakers 2008

I am trying to document how out of control the Bay to Breakers was this year. Drunks everywhere, people urinating on peoples front stairs, both females and males, and basically a very ugly event. If you have complaints please email me so I can convey our displeasure with the events sponsor and city officials. Thank you.

Captain Teri Barrett
Park Police Station

Are these the same cops who never seem to patrol Sixth Street, where it's LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME? Unbelievable. Send Teri your complaints of pee puddles, visible genitalia, buzz kills, and how SFPD's time could be better used to [email protected].

Image credit: tingley/Flickr