We caught the world premiere of Kissing Cousins at the SFIAAFF this week, and yes, it’s true, they really do kiss! In fact you almost (but not quite) actually forget that their mothers are sisters for a moment in the steamy heat of passion. We couldn’t relate because we wouldn’t touch any of our cousins with a ten-foot pole (if you met our family, you’d understand completely).

The audience seemed to love this film. We’re sure it didn’t hurt that we were sitting in the very festive new balcony at the Kabuki theater, sharing drinks and laughs with our neighbors. (If you haven’t checked out the new and improved Kabuki, complete with balcony bar, it’s worth a trip.) Amir, the professional heartbreaker with a pathetic lovelife, becomes reacquainted with his formerly-awkward, now-smokin’ cousin, Zara (Rebecca Hazlewood from ER). Because Amir’s friends think he’s a lost cause, Zara charitably steps in and holds herself out as Amir’s girlfriend, and Amir’s status among his friends rockets immediately (funny how that happens). All is well until Amir begins to confuse fantasy with fact. . . .

Kissing Cousins will be making its debut at future film festivals in Los Angeles in April and May if you’re down that way.

Preview clip for Kissing Cousins above. SFist Wendy, contributing.