MUSIC: As we already mentioned, Why? is performing this evening along with Dose One, Cryptacize, DJ Odd Nosdam, DJ Jel.
*THEATER: Eve Ensler's Obie Award-winning play the Vagina Monologues -- featuring such monologues as I Was Twelve, My Mother Slapped Me, My Angry Vagina, My Vagina Was My Village, The Little Coochie Snorcher, and more -- takes the stage in the Castro for one night only, featuring 12 actresses reading each of the now famous acts about the vagina. The night will open, so to speak, with a spiritual ceremony of sorts, followed by an all-female dance troupe.
6:30 p.m. // Castro Theater [Castro & Market Sts.] // $25-35
CLUB: Brazilian funk, hip-hop, Música Popular Brasileira (MPB), axé, samba, pagode, forró, chorinho, and batucada sounds abound in the Outer Mission tonight at this highly popular club night, BraziLive. Authentic Brazilian caipirinhas and guaraná sodas will be served at the bar, ready and waiting for you liver. Mmm.
9 p.m. // El Rio [3158 Mission] // $8
COMEDY: Hal Sparks, actor and host of Queer as Folk and Talk Soup fame, is headlining in North Beach starting tonight until Sunday.
8 p.m. // Cobb's Comedy Club [915 Columbus] // $20
The listed events were chosen by the editors of SFist and brought to you by the 2009 Toyota Corolla.