The impossible Translink dream has been stumbling around like a rabid possum for so long that it's sometimes hard to remember how disastrous it's been. But for years, it's always been ready. Just a few more months. Just one more test. Just a few million more. Can't stop us now. Nearly there. So close. This time, we promise it'll work.

And now, let's refresh our memories with a trip down memory lane with the Chron:

01/15/98: Multitransit card proposed - "The MTC hopes that by 2001, Bay Area residents will be able to use Translink cards on any local transit system, anytime. It will cost about $38 million to set up the program, including the pilot study, and run it for the first five years."

05/22/99: A Smart Transit Idea

12/10/01: Regional transit tickets almost ready for test - "...took $61 million and nearly a decade to develop."

09/19/02: Universal transit ticket a success -- BART glitch

09/08/03: The All-Purpose Fare Card - "The Bay Area is close to having a single regional transit ticket..."

09/26/03: BART Directors to Join 'Smart Ticket' Plan

08/26/05: BART Credit Card in the Works - "ticket machines and fare gates won't be equipped to take the cards until late next year."

01/16/07: TransLink Glitch - "BART, [Muni] and Caltrain are expected to launch this year."
