Patrick Frost, 35, and Christopher Gerwig, 32, of San Francisco are still nowhere to be found since reported missing since reported missing last Saturday night at Alpine Meadows, just north of Lake Tahoe. Described as "expert skiers," Frost and Gerwig were last seen on Saturday morning at an Alpine Meadows bar "listening to advice about different outlying areas to ski."

New snow layers blanketing the mountains this weekend, as well as high winds, have made the search that more difficult. But! According to Placer County sheriff Sergeant Allan Carter, their chances of survival are "pretty good." 15 members of the Alpine Meadows' ski patrol joined a 10-person sheriff's team in effort to find the skiers.

Carter also says that the best thing to do in a situation like this is to remain positive a snow shelter. Fun! Find out how, here.

UPDATE: They've been found alive. Hallelujah.