Easy and compact, check out Apple CEO Steve Jobs' 90-minute keynote speech in 60 seconds. It's like the Golden Globes, only not as pretty or deadly important.

And as you all know--waking up this morning to realize that, no, it wasn't all just a beautiful dream--the MacBook Air is upon us. In a bizarre moment of Jobs' continuing Trumpification, just moments after his speech to his denizens, Steve Jobs chirped to the New York Times regarding his new lightweight, peacekeeping laptop, "I'm going to be the first one in line to buy one of these." Which? Doesn't he already have one? Fibber.

Anyway, we'll try to head down to Moscone today to get you all an image of a spread of press room donuts or an "On The Street"-ish collage of goatees or North Face fleece.

[Sources: Laughing Squid, Valleywag]