- Londonist pondered who might be the next sponsors of the London Eye and whether or not readers would be willing to donate £1,000 each for a Londonist Eye.
- Shanghaiist was shocked to find a cameltoe in the city's only English-language paper.
- Gothamist believed that a writer who wanted pre-gentrified gritty New York and ended up getting beaten up during a mugging learned his lesson.
- DCist followed Mayor Adrian Fenty and the D.C. Council to New Hampshire, where they helped introduce a bill that would signal that state's support of voting rights for the District.
- Torontoist learned a brand new threat this week, thanks to a police officer who pulled over a driver in the city's entertainment district and told him––actually––"I'll break your fucking ponytail." Oh, and then they tased him.
- SFist witnessed (and predicted) San Clemente's Greg Long winning this year's Mavericks Surf Contest.
- LAist reported on everything you wanted to know about this year's most anticipated movie, Cloverfield, as told by director Matt Reeves.
- Bostonist watched as Bronson Arroyo, formerly of the Red Sox and now of the Cleveland Indians, pleaded to return to Boston--in song.
- Chicagoist saw lightning strike twice.
- Austinist rapped about Texas rap.
- Houstinist interviews Big Daddy’s Ass Burn Hot Sauce founder Trevi Biles.
- Phillyist supports an end of the city's "quack-tacular" duck tours.
- Seattlest discussed this year's presidential election with some top-notch political writers.