As of noon today, the District 4 seat formerly occupied by Ed Jew is now empty, and the Sunset has no representation on the Board of Supervisors. Quick, everyone, now's the time to put a toxic waste dump on 26th and Wawona! (We just like saying the word "Wawona" is all.)

Former acting District 4 supervisor Carmen Chu is still trying to decide if she wants the seat through November or not, and while she ruminates, all of her staff was required to turn in their office keys and parking passes since the office is now closed.

Gavin Newsom says Chu would be the clear frontrunner for the seat if she wants it, but hasn't said if anyone else is under consideration. For what it's worth, he has no deadline for appointing someone to the seat -- it apparently took Dianne Feinstein 6 weeks to appoint Harry Britt to Harvey Milk's seat after his 1978 assassination (though to be fair, probably some of that delay was due to the fact that Dianne Feinstein herself had only just been appointed the mayor at the same time.)

Picture of the Gone Fishing sign on Ed Jew's door after the scandal first broke, from reader Andrew back in June 07.