Gavin Newsom began his second term as mayor of San Francisco this morning in front of a huge crowd under the largest dome in the western hemisphere. (Yes, even larger than those found in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., but why would we bring those places up?)

Fashion report. Vivid purple necktie ( matching glove[s]). Fiancée Jennifer Siebel appeared in yellow looking just like a Hitchcockian blond. Shoe bonus: undersides completely lacquered in International Red-Orange, redolent of the Golden Gate Bridge. How apropropriate for San Francisco.

When a politician's crew puts on a show (you know, swearing-in ceremonies are pretty much legally-mandated photo ops), things can go well, or not so well. This inaugural went well. And speaking of Obama, his much talked about Kennedyesqueness is more Robert, less John. Today's event was heavily on the on JFK side of things.

The reception will occur tomorrow at the de Young Museum. Read all about today's ceremony here and here.
