Most states have similar rules. The slogan: "no shame, no blame, no names • sin pena, sin culpa, sin peligro."

Our CA law has had its ups and downs over the years. This might give you some idea of how some people would like to increase the age of a newborn that could be given up.

It's easy to see how the program is working in Los Angeles County. Take a look here and see if you find evidence of cause and effect.
L.A. is the place where a former USC architecture student Holly Ashcraft is being accused of murder for placing her newborn in a dumpster on campus in 2005. Part of the defense is that there is no evidence that proves she knew she was pregnant (although a similar set of circumstances appears to have existed in 2004 as well). Needless to say, this whole affair remains controversial.

But it serves to illustrate that you might know somebody who might benefit from the knowledge of the existence of this statewide funded mandate. Just saying.

Photo of Holly Ashcraft: Jeffrey Long, Daily Trojan