How many ways does this piss us off? Like the fact if she just crossed Valencia Street, there's an actual crosswalk there. Or the fact that she still has to jaywalk Market Street even after jaywalking the lane, making it not a very smart place to jaywalk to begin with. Or just the sheer fact that she thought it was cool to jaywalk in the middle of incoming traffic.

Look, we jaywalk too. A lot. But we consider ourselves good jaywalkers. We don't mind jaywalkers who are smart, but we hate jaywalkers who are stupid-- they give jaywalking a bad name (bad name). See, us good jaywalkers know that there's two basic rules to jaywalking:

-Don't jaywalk in the middle of traffic
-If you're jaywalking with traffic headed your way, don't saunter across the street with a latte in your had and an attitude that there's nothing wrong with asking a bunch of cars to slow down just for you-- move your ass.

See, this way you don't piss off drivers. Not to mention get friggin hit by a car.

Anyways, to you, Jaywalking Lady, since we didn't do this while driving yesterday, we'll do this now:fu-emoticon.gif