We featured Eskimo Joe in our weekly column a few weeks ago and stated that "Hands down, one of the best CD's of 2007." We still completely agree with that sentiment - even more so, now. Eskimo Joe played mostly songs from their current release, Black Fingernails, Red Wine with a couple of songs from their first record, A Song is a City. We have a feeling that the band members are used to rocking it out in huge venues with thousands of fans since their performance had such a great energy and was significantly polished especially compared to self-absorbed opener, Jeff Klein. (Yikes!)

"Now we shall rock," Temperley said at the beginning of the show and he did exactly as promised - he rocked. His vocals were spot on and the talent oozing from every band member was impressive. (Joel Quartermain, the guitarist, at one point played simultaneously with the pianist and then moved on to play with the drummer as well.) "London Bombs" and "New York" were highlights of the performance but "Black Fingernails, Red Wine," the title track, was definitely the show-stopper which finished out their perfect set. Stars of the Track and Field headlined the show (and they were pretty good - we downloaded their CD today) but they seemed to get completely overshadowed by the real stars: Eskimo Joe.

Picture taken by author

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