Instantly the audience responded positively to the well-blended vocals, perfectly crafted pop-hooks and the organic-sounding drums played by NYC Subway musician, Shakerleg. You can not deny that these two Australian brothers, Issac and Thorry Koren, have talent. Backed by the unstoppable drummer (who just uses his hands) The Kin has everything going for them.
Opening their set, The Kin, added the assistance of two guitarists from Josh Kelley's band and Pat McGee's band. The added accompaniment brought a fuller life to their already unique sound. The great thing is this: The Kin's music works with just the guitar, piano and drums. To introduce one of my favorite songs, "Abraham," the Koren brothers gave an absolutely hilarious account of when they got pulled over for speeding in Georgia. Lucky for them, they autographed a CD for the cop's daughter and went their way. (Some times I wish I was a rock star!)
We fear that they made a fan out of every person present. Lucky for us, that means they'll be coming back to the West Coast sooner than later.
For an exclusive video and pictures of the concert, take the jump...