Although it's supposed to rain tonight, maybe baby Jesus will create a precious miracle for us San Franciscans, clearing the skies in order to view tonight's meteor shower. Alas, we doubt it. Still, from spaceweather:

METEOR WATCH: The annual Draconid meteor shower peaks on Oct. 9th at 0430 UT--in other words, tonight at 9:30 pm PDT or 12:30 am EDT. Don't expect a big display. The source of the shower, comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, is far away and unlikely to produce more than a few slow meteors every hour. It should be noted, however, that unexpected Draconid outbursts have happened as recently as Oct. 2005 resulting in dozens to hundreds of meteors per hour. Could tonight be such a night? If you decide to look, keep an eye on the northern sky (Draco is not far from the north celestial pole) during the hours around the predicted peak.

But for our readers not based here in loverly SF, do keep an eye to the sky tonight.