At 4:30 p.m. today, a rally and march led by a cast of security officers will take place in the financial district. (We'll try to grab some shots of the officers getting all Norma Nae-y.) Unionized security officers of the Service Employees International Union Local 24/7 are in a huff and not taking it anymore. According to the Chronicle:

The union said it is seeking to boost compensation for security officers so that it equals other union-represented workers in office buildings. Local 24/7 said security officers earn, on average, $5 per hour less than union janitors in the same buildings. Janitors receive free family health care through their full-time employment, the union said.

Also, some bike messengers will honor the picketing officers by (if we assume correctly) not delivering packages to some of the 14 buildings that are now security officer-free. (At last! A breath of fresh air for many a receptionist! We kid. Way to go, scruffy bike messengers!)

Read more about it here.