Update!: We accidentally screwed up our contest-o-meter, so we're embarrassed to say we're going to have to run the contest again! Sorry, sorry, sorry, APAture. Reenter away, and we'll pick a winner by mid-day tomorrow.

We promised you APAture event tickets, and we never go back on a promise: wanna see local Asian-American musicians Goh Nakamura, Dreamdate, Lumaya, and Amber Field tomorrow at the Make Out Room?

It's a good mix of sounds, befitting the diversity of the scene: Amber Field rocking an electronica-style didgeridoo, Lumaya on the folky-pop side, adorable Dreamdate rocking it true cuddlecore, and Goh Nakamura's acoustic guitar singer-songwriter (check him out above): we're going to be there and you should come too!

The show starts at 7:30 this Friday, and it's $10-25 sliding scale at the door. The Make-Out Room's at 22nd between Mish and Valencia.