After the Minneapolis bridge collapse, Bostonist did a little research and found that Massachusetts bridges could use a little help. But Bostonist brightened up considerably when they discovered they could drink themselves silly on the Amtrak booze ride and at the Sam Adams brewery. And, if they're not boarding the party train, they can think about their much-improved sports teams. Thanks to the arrival of basketball stars Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen, Bostonist is finally feeling some Celtic pride. (They had to exercise that pride when a certain blog attempted to talk trash about their fair city.) Oh, and the Red Sox got pitcher Eric Gagne, too!

With hot weather forecast in the Midwest, Chicagoist offered its readers a survival guide to Lollapalooza. That isn't the only major event happening in the City of Broad Shoulders. The YearlyKos convention rolled into town, as well. Meanwhile, changes are afoot at the city's largest weekly newspaper after a change in ownership, more women are talking on their cell phones as a means of discouraging assaults, readers disagreed with a Dunkin' Donuts franchisee's decision not to serve pork breakfast sandwiches, and a retired machinist thought he won a million dollars until a Miller Lite girl took his winning ticket away.

DCist was a little testy this week: to start with, they called for a ban on Crocs after discovering that the ugly shoes are destroying the city's escalators, they gave another popular blog a hard time for ripping on their fair city for no reason, and they begrudgingly gave San Diego their best wishes after that city beat D.C. in the race to create more adorable panda cubs. Finally DCist Senior Editor Martin Austermuhle traveled to Chicago for the YearlyKos convention to speak on a panel about the struggle for District Voting Rights.

This week, Houstonist checked in on a series of fallen icons: an animatronic gorilla from their youth singing bad hip-hop, the virtuous halls of government invaded by a mysterious pink dildo, and a flamboyantly white-haired, blue-spectacled local news icon gone to the big TV studio in the sky. It all gives you something to think about while making late-night grocery runs in your PJs - which is totally acceptable, considering that Houston once annexed the city of New Orleans. And we all know what that means: drinks all around!