Hey Giants fans, hate the Dodgers? Like, really, really, really hate the Dodgers? Wanna have some snarky yet juvenile fun at their expense? Hell, what else can you do considering they're in first place (or, well, were) and have won eleven straight at the Phonebooth. Do we have a contest for you!
In conjunction with the Black & Orange, we're introducing our brand new contest, the Rename Dodger Stadium Contest. To win, all you have to do is come up with some spiffy new name for Chavez Ravine, like "Late Arrival Stadium" or "The Brett Tomko Launching Pad" or "the Field of Suck." Well, our snark isn't quite groovin' today but you get what we mean.
Just post your ideas in the comment section and next week, we'll announce a winner who'll receive a Giants Gift Pack consisting of a hat and a pair of tickets. Our buddies at LAist will be doing the contest too and are asking asking Dodger fans to rename AT&T Park. Two words, then: Beat LA!
And hey, the Giants are still running their AT&T Summer Series Sweepstakes contest. Enter away to win the chance for any number of fabulous prizes, like a Fantasy Batting Practice or getting a chance to throw out the first pitch or being Barry Bond's press agent for the day (that last bit was a joke.)
We should mention too that you'll need to supply your e-mail address in your comment so we'll know who said what. It's hard for us to pick a winner and give the hat and the tickets away if we don't know who you are.
Video of a couple of Giants fans taking it out on one not-so-poor Dodgers fans from Say Hey: A Bay Area Sports Blog