Above poster by Trudy L. Cole

If the purple Impeach banner at Sunday's Giant's game got you all giddy with subversive glee, then tomorrow's opening of the Propaganda III World Tour at the Phoenix Hotel is sure to have you hyperventilating. Celebrate our country's {insert George W's voice here} "freedom" {end voice} by perusing hundreds of culture-jamming, political posters from around the globe, the act of which will make old Uncle Sam's hairy, gray ears burn with fury. We can't think of a better way to spend the holiday -- enjoying art, music, bbq, and cocktails poolside, all for no cover!

The event has been organized by John Doffing through the Start Soma gallery, and any and all artists are encouraged to participate, regardless of viewpoint. (Sorry, submissions for tomorrow's show were due on Sunday.) Posters and galleries will be continually added throughout the tour, which is slated for one-day stops all over North America, South America, Australia, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. The event is purely non-commercial, and the artwork will only be available for sale through the participating artists' private Web sites. The tour comes full circle some time next year when it ends in San Francisco.

Check out Propaganda III's exhaustive Flickr gallery, which currently has over 500 posters that will be in tomorrow's show.

Propaganda III World Tour
Opens in San Francisco on July 4th, 2007 (one day only!)
Phoenix Hotel
601 Eddy St, San Francisco
2 pm-6 pm
No cover!