The attached image was created in timely response to a two-week-old article on SFGate, in which John King confesses of the proposed Muni shelters, "I've got my favorites, but only two or three of the 24 schemes made me cringe." What on Earth, we wondered, could possibly cause discomfort and unease to the mighty John King? Other than sock puppets, of course.

The gimmick was pioneered by Londonist, and has been terribly successful despite our total inability to understand any of the London-centric in-jokes. And the meme recently spread to Torontoist, which hoaxed its readers, Orson-Welles style, into believing in descending hordes of Zepplins. What'll you come up with, readers? Post your submissions to Flickr, tagged "touch up SF," or send them to editor - at - sfist - dot - com.