Ahh, teaching. That difficult, underpaid profession. We're totally behind those who are bringing future generations up to speed with the world being better compensated. Unfortunately, the salary typically given to this profession is not commensurate with its importance.

Well, some pretty good news for teachers in Ravenswood City School District: their union has managed to get them a little more scratch. In addition to a salary increase, teachers will receive a 51% increase in medical benefits--an increase that ensures "equitable coverage to teachers whether they are enrolled in single, married/partners or family plans."

According to an article in the Palo Alto Daily news earlier this year, Ravenswood teachers are among the lowest paid in the San Mateo County. As Ravenswood is a revenue-limit district, it gets money based on attendance. Since enrollment is dropping, it's particularly tough to find room in a budget to increase pay. However, this time the district made it work.

What this will mean for Gryffindor City School District is unclear.