The idea is to contract out a company to implement renewable energy so that by 2017, 51% of the city will be powered by renewable energy. The money to get this going would come from a bond measure that passed in 2001. The supplier would be obligated to pay back the bond measure and related costs but charge customers for using the energy. Those rates cannot be higher than PG&E's.

And speaking of PG&E, they're saying great idea but want them to be the one's who implement all this. So far, that's not the plan as people want the city to be the one's in control. At some point, the city will buy out the contractors and run it themselves. PG&E will still stay on to be in charge of billing and the transmission of the power.

A whole bunch of people have signed onto this plan as a special CCA Task Force was set up to look into it. Gavin says he's on board but didn't show up at the press conference yesterday like he said he would. Maybe he was out taking care of all those wedding invites?