The issue, like most things, is that there's not enough enforcement out there. Must be those lazy Gen Xers again, to concerned with playing video games to want to be a parking officer. As a result, the DPT isn't able to do much in the way in enforcement and right now, will only ticket people if somebody calls in to complain. So, the DPT wants to put a team together of about seven officers (ooohhh) to do nothing but enforce the rules concerning sidewalk parking. Call them the Parking Squad and wouldn't that make for an exciting show? Hey, what's Tony Danza been doing lately?

We kind of wonder if this includes all those people who park in the middle of streets at night, like on Valencia Street. Will there be more of a crackdown on those cars or will they only be sporadically enforced like they are now? Personally, we like watching those cars get towed off, if only because watching people run out of bars or restaurants whining about being busted is one of our favorite activities (it's a great excuse to set up shop at the outdoor patio at Blondie’s) so the more enforcement, the better.